Our Purpose.


Breakthrough work doesn't have to break budgetS, timelines or youR will to live.  

So we've been doing this for awhile. Over 20 years actually. And whether it's been at huge multi-nationals, scrappy startups or perennial hot shops there has been a constant. 

There's too much process getting in the way of creating great work. Work that gets noticed, sells product and makes you proud to say you played a role in it.

So here's our proposition. To be a more agile, more collaborative advertising collective that mobilizes based on your need, in a way that uses your budget more effectively than traditional advertising agency.

The sudden proliferation of the  "Gig Economy" paired the personal connections we've made creating and overseeing some of Canada best and most influential work means we have a wealth of "go-to" creative specialists we can assemble on a moments notice.  All done quickly, inclusively, respectfully and cost effectively. Note: Not cheaply. Cheap work doesn't build you brand. Cost effective work does.

So if our purpose and past work intrigues you, let's meet up. I'd love to discuss what we've have done for others and what we could do for you.

Cam BoydCreative Director + Principal cam@stbernard.ca

Cam Boyd

Creative Director + Principal 
